Terminator 2: Judgment Day Pinball

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Pinball was released by Williams Electronics in 1991. The game was designed by legendary Steve Ritchie. The pinball action is based on the movie of the same name released in the same year.

The voice was narrated by the lead actor from the movie  Arnold Schwarzenegger, which made this the most interesting feature of this game. Another notable feature is a dot matrix display, which was never used before. The game even had a video mode.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Pinball for rent gameplay has no fixed objective of Terminator 2 – Judgment Day pinball. There are instead a couple of different options to choose from. The player can select one and then try to get a good score.

Classic pinball machines for long-term corporate rental or lease are a perfect addition to any corporate break or game room. Arcade Party Rental offers the largest selection of pinball machines in California.

Delivery information for Terminator 2: Judgment Day Pinball Machine:

Arcade Party Rental delivers all our pinball machines and arcade games, including unique LED arcade games rentals all over the San Francisco Bay Area, California, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Palo Alto, Monterey, Salinas, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, Silicon Valley, East Bay, Central Coast, and Bay Area cities as well Las Vegas Nevada and entire West Coast.

Dimensions: 27"W x 55"L x 76"H

Power: 120v AC, 5amps

Weight: 250lbs

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