Monster Bash Pinball

This game is in the category of the top 20 rated electronic pinball machines of all time.

Monster Bash Pinball is a pinball machine produced by Williams Electronics in 1998. The game has many special features, including some Universal Monsters, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Wolfman, Frankenstein’s Monster, the Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Mummy.

The game’s objective is to collect the 6 monsters’ instruments by completing all six game modes; the “Monster of Rock” multiball is activated, along with a mini “wizard mode” called Monster Bash once you complete all the six modes and collect all the tools.

Classic pinball tables for long-term rent or lease are a perfect addition to any corporate break or game room. Arcade Party Rental offers the largest selection of pinball machines in California. Featuring the classic 80s games and the current new releases.

Delivery information for Monster Bash Pinball Machine:

Arcade Party Rental delivers all our competitive sports arcade games. Unique LED arcade games rentals all over the San Francisco Bay Area, California, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Palo Alto, Monterey, Salinas, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, Silicon Valley, East Bay, Central Coast, and Bay Area cities as well Las Vegas Nevada and entire West Coast.

Dimensions: 27"W x 55"L x 76"H

Power: 120v AC, 5amps

Weight: 250lbs

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